
 * @module transformation-controller

const transformer = require('enketo-transformer');
const communicator = require('../lib/communicator');
const { ResponseError, TranslatedError } = require('../lib/custom-error');
const surveyModel = require('../models/survey-model');
const cacheModel = require('../models/cache-model');
const account = require('../models/account-model');
const user = require('../models/user-model');
const config = require('../models/config-model').server;
const utils = require('../lib/utils');
const routerUtils = require('../lib/router-utils');
const express = require('express');
const mediaLib = require('../lib/media');

const router = express.Router();

// var debug = require( 'debug' )( 'transformation-controller' );

module.exports = (app) => {
    app.use(`${app.get('base path')}/transform`, router);

router.param('enketo_id', routerUtils.enketoId);
router.param('encrypted_enketo_id_single', routerUtils.encryptedEnketoIdSingle);
router.param('encrypted_enketo_id_view', routerUtils.encryptedEnketoIdView);

    .post('*', (req, res, next) => {
        // set content-type to json to provide appropriate json Error responses
        res.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    .post('/xform/:encrypted_enketo_id_single', getSurveyParts)
    .post('/xform/:encrypted_enketo_id_view', getSurveyParts)
    .post('/xform/:enketo_id', getSurveyParts)
    .post('/xform', getSurveyParts)
    .post('/xform/hash/:enketo_id', getSurveyHash);

 * Obtains HTML Form, XML model, and existing XML instance
 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressRequest} req - HTTP request
 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressResponse} res - HTTP response
 * @param {Function} next - Express callback
async function getSurveyParts(req, res, next) {
    /** @type {string | null} */
    let formId = null;

    try {
        let survey = await _getSurveyParams(req);

        formId = survey.openRosaId;

        if (formId == null) {
            throw new ResponseError(404);

        const authenticated = await _authenticate(survey);
        const cached = await _getFormFromCache(authenticated);

        survey = await _updateCache(cached ?? survey);

        const { enketoId, manifest, mediaHash } = survey;
        const mediaOptions = mediaLib.getHostURLOptions(req, mediaHash);

        const media = await mediaLib.getMediaMap(

        _respond(res, {
    } catch (error) {
        if (error.status === 403) {
            const notFoundError = new TranslatedError(
                { formId }

            notFoundError.status = 404;

        } else {

 * Obtains the hash of the cached Survey Parts
 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressRequest} req - HTTP request
 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressResponse} res - HTTP response
 * @param {Function} next - Express callback
function getSurveyHash(req, res, next) {
        .then((survey) => cacheModel.getHashes(survey))
        .then((survey) => {
            if (, 'credentials')) {
                delete survey.credentials;
                hash: _getCombinedHash(survey),

 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object
function _authenticate(survey) {
    return communicator.authenticate(survey);

 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object
function _getFormFromCache(survey) {
    return cacheModel.get(survey);

 * Update the Cache if necessary.
 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object
function _updateCache(survey) {
    return communicator
        .then((survey) => Promise.all([survey, cacheModel.check(survey)]))
        .then(([survey, upToDate]) => {
            if (!upToDate) {
                delete survey.xform;
                delete survey.form;
                delete survey.model;
                delete survey.xslHash;
                delete survey.mediaHash;
                delete survey.mediaUrlHash;
                delete survey.formHash;

                return communicator

            return survey;
        .catch((error) => {
            if (error.status === 401 || error.status === 404) {
                cacheModel.flush(survey).catch((e) => {
                    if (e.status !== 404) {
            } else {
                    'Unknown Error occurred during attempt to update cache',

            throw error;

 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
 * @return { Promise } always resolved promise

function _addMediaHash(survey) {
    survey.mediaHash = utils.getXformsManifestHash(survey.manifest, 'all');

    return Promise.resolve(survey);

 * @param { module:survey-model~SurveyObject } survey - survey object
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object
function _checkQuota(survey) {
    if (!config['account lib']) {
        // Don't check quota if not running SaaS
        return Promise.resolve(survey);

    return surveyModel
        .then((quotaUsed) => {
            if (quotaUsed <= survey.account.quota) {
                return Promise.resolve(survey);
            const error = new Error('Forbidden. Quota exceeded.');
            error.status = 403;
            throw error;

 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressResponse} res - HTTP response
 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
function _respond(res, survey) {
    delete survey.credentials;

        form: survey.form,
        // previously this was JSON.stringified, not sure why
        model: survey.model,
        theme: survey.theme,
        branding: survey.account.branding,
        // The hash components are converted to deal with a node_redis limitation with storing and retrieving null.
        // If a form contains no media this hash is null, which would be an empty string upon first load.
        // Subsequent cache checks will however get the string value 'null' causing the form cache to be unnecessarily refreshed
        // on the client.
        hash: _getCombinedHash(survey),
        languageMap: survey.languageMap,

 * @param { module:survey-model~SurveyObject } survey - survey object
 * @return { string } - a hash
function _getCombinedHash(survey) {
    const FORCE_UPDATE = 1;
    const brandingHash =
        survey.account.branding && survey.account.branding.source
            ? utils.md5(survey.account.branding.source)
            : '';

    return [

 * @param {module:survey-model~SurveyObject} survey - survey object
 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressRequest} req - HTTP request
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object with added credentials
function _setCookieAndCredentials(survey, req) {
    // for external authentication, pass the cookie(s)
    survey.cookie = req.headers.cookie;
    // for OpenRosa authentication, add the credentials
    survey.credentials = user.getCredentials(req);

    return Promise.resolve(survey);

 * @param {module:api-controller~ExpressRequest} req - HTTP request
 * @return { Promise<module:survey-model~SurveyObject> } a Promise resolving with survey object
function _getSurveyParams(req) {
    const customParamName =
        'query parameter to pass to submission'
    const customParam = customParamName ? req.query[customParamName] : null;

    if (req.enketoId) {
        return surveyModel
            .then((survey) => {
                survey.customParam = customParam;

                return _setCookieAndCredentials(survey, req);

    const error = new Error('Bad Request. Survey information not complete.');
    error.status = 400;
    throw error;